BMEL (Федеральное министерство продовольствия и сельского хозяйства Германии)

Связаться со стендом

06 февр.. - 08 февр.., Москва, ВДНХ, павильон №75

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Food and agriculture are subjects that affect all citizens directly.
A balanced, healthy diet and safe foods, clear information for consumers when purchasing food, strong and sustainable agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors, and good prospects for our rural areas are important objectives for the BMEL. The BMEL offices in Bonn and Berlin, with approximately 900 staff, are committed to achieving these objectives.

The fields of food and food safety have been dovetailed in the BMEL to enable the ministry to deal successfully with the challenges of the future. Market policy has been concentrated, policy for rural areas has been geared for the future, and environmental, climate and energy-related aspects have been integrated within sustainable agriculture.

European and international activities have been concentrated, and agricultural policy activities aimed at improving the world food situation have been expanded.

The strategic approaches of the technical departments have also been consolidated within a strategy and planning unit.