Sezgin jewels

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ARGENTA.SU Фабрика серебра. Выставка JUNWEX ПЕТЕРБУРГ. Павильон 3, стенд 311 и павильон 8A, стенд 130.

Связаться со стендом

05 февр.. - 09 февр.., Санкт-Петербург, ВК "ЛЕНЭКСПО"

Sezgin Jewels takes its position between the sectoral forerunner enterprises either manufacturer identity and or the attend in retail business ,by  experience  in Jewel Sector more than 60 years. Since 1950, Sezgin Jewels provides the variation of 925 carat silver , steel , semi-precious natural Stones , golded items , diamond and accessories under  one umbrella and today is leader in Jewel Output by being f influential in Sector .

Sezgin Jewels  strenghts its success  , with  own production energy ,by  including the international well-known brands distributionsships and exteding the  products category.

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